Jaime moved there in the late 1990s and lived in a rural area called Cuiabá-de-Cima where his family still have a plot-of-land and a few houses. Jaime loved the place which is perched on a hill-side that sometimes reminds 'The Sound of Music' scenery.
Here are some impressions on Cuiabá-de-Cima e Nazaré Paulista and its surrounding area that Jaime put on paper. He took some photographs too.
This is how the house would have looked like if it had been completed. The smaller house on the right is made out of timber and used to be Jaime's studio [atelie]. 

Jaime's abode incomplete.
on the right: part of Jaime's kitchen with a [blue] door leading to the bathroom and another door leading to his bedroom.
Jaime on a bus going from São Paulo to Atibaia where he would taker a local bus to Nazaré Paulista, whose mountains are depicted on the lower drawing.
a little house in the praire...

a view from Jaime's place.
the hills are really alive...
Jaime's front-yard.
Jaime at work indoors while the hills are alive outdoors...
Jaime and an ant... 'Formiga' used to be a friend of his who worked in metals & leather.
Jaime Ponciano & Jackson Pollock as portrayed by Ed Harris in the 2000 movie.
Jaime at work...
Jaime's bedroom.
driving uphill to Cuiabá-de-Cima...
Nazaré Paulista as photographed by Jaime Ponciano.
the hills couldn't be more alive than at dusk...
a view of Jaime's back-yard... from the wooden studio...
Bebeia, Jaime's niece - his sister's Renata's daughter called Rafaela who was his inspiration for quite some time.
Jaime at work...
Jaime's bedroom.
driving uphill to Cuiabá-de-Cima...
Nazaré Paulista as photographed by Jaime Ponciano.
the hills couldn't be more alive than at dusk...
a view of Jaime's back-yard... from the wooden studio...
Bebeia, Jaime's niece - his sister's Renata's daughter called Rafaela who was his inspiration for quite some time.