Saturday, 7 May 2016

Green Note Book 2006 - Part II

Jaime Ponciano kept on drawing with pencil or black ball-point pen throughout 2006. Some of his faces are really remarkable others are funny... looking at them faces is never a dull moment.  

27 July 2006 - As Jaime Ponciano's 44th birthday approached on 27 August 2006, he planned a trip to Argentina to be in San Luís - 748 km west from Buenos Aires, on the road to Mendonza - to spend his birthday there. This was all part of the (astrological) Solar Revolution charted by Lilian C. Moraes. Luiz Amorim who had spent time in Argentina in the 1990s gave Jaime directions of what to do when he arrived in Buenos Aires. Tips on how to get to Retiro train-station, supposing Jaime would take a train to San Luís. 
31st July 2008 - Jaime was really eager to fly to Argentina. He even planned to take Mr João Teodoro along as his father had some Church brethren he wanted to visit over there. Here are some tips Luiz Amorim gave Jaime concerning the fatal differences of some very important words in Spanish as opposed to Portuguese. Very simple words like spoon (cuchara), fork (tenedor) and knife (cuchillo) have completely different names in these Latin languages. Some verbs like cojer (to get), quedarse (to be, to stay) are completely new to Portuguese speakers. 
Jaime even had Aerolineas Argentinas flight number to Buenos Aires already.
23 August 2006 - Just four days before Jaime was supposed to fly to Buenos Aires, Argentina he calls it off due to financial dificulties. The trip would amount to high amount he could not afford. Jaime writes: 'Desfazer a viagem para a Argentina' (Call Argentina trip off) and two lines further down he plans to set up a house where he could work in S.Paulo. 'Planejar um outra casa em Sampa. Onde? Centro ou (Av.) Paulista? ... e Av. Ipiranga? (Edifício) Copan? (Av.) São João? vou procurar. Uma vez vi um quarto num casarão na rua Galvão Bueno, na Aclimação...'
After having shared a room at Lilian's flat #3 on Rua Dr. Alfredo Elis, 263, Jaime moved back to his country house in Cuiabá-de-Cima in Nazare Paulista. Here are the items still left at Lilian's: 3 telas grandes de 200 (amarelo, azul, vermelho); 2 telas na casa da Sandra; 3 telas pequenas preto-e-branco; 4 chapas da Mariluci; 1 tela da cozinha (desenho); vidro e chapas que estão no quarto; tela pequena que está em cima dos vinís; 2 sapatos da Paola; ... ; roupas; tela enrolada; 2 telas grandes para terminar; 1 pintura cópia de Morandi para acabar; materiais da bancada; gouaches / tintas acrílicas; pincéis.

Casa, cama, bordado; família, almoço, café, Bebéia (Jaime's toddler niece); amoras, sucos, gargalhadas, arte, amor! Será que ficarei sob luz de vela hoje também? Meu cunhado Sergio disse que faria a ligação, mas até agora não rolou. Aqui tem bastante vela. Dá p'ra hoje. Vamos ver! Gostaria de ver um filme na TV mas se não der, não deu! Preciso tomar decisões. 
Creme de damasco; cobrir damasco com água e um pouco de rum. Ferver até cozer, depois por no liquidificador. Petit gâteaux; chocolate branco.
Lilian C. Moraes at her flat's verandah in 2006.
Lilian walks down Rua Dr. Alfredo Elis; Juliano with a Ponciano canvas on the wall...
Rua Dr. Alfredo Elis, 263 apt. 3, Bela Vista, Sao Paulo. 

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